Difference between lockdown and curfew
In recent times many countries is taking preventive measures to stop viral disease known as corona virus and one of the most important measure they are taking is banning all types of public gathering which can result in community transfer.
Addition to this, to stop community transfer of people at large scale states or towns or even whole country is implementing lockdown or curfew. Now the question arises what are these terms and how they differ from each other or are they same?!!!
To answer this lockdown means all public gathering places should be closed like gyms, malls, and all the markets will be closed except some essential shops for medicine and basic needs are open. Borders of that state or town will be locked and people will not be allowed to move from that region to another. And if people want to move within that region then they are allowed provided they have a valid reason to do so as they can be questioned.
Talking about curfew it implements for a fixed duration of time by the government or higher authorities and in this duration all types of movement are closed within the region and if this happens then govt can take some serious action. Usually curfew implements when the condition an area is really intense like when riots happens or war takes place or any calamity strikes in which govt feels that it is not safe for people to come outside and the situation may get critical and if it happens the policemen present there to maintain law and order have the right to shoot someone if they feel like.
In comparison with lockdown curfew is considered to be strict.
So, I hope you got your answer.
Answer is not clear ,if lockdown is not there then what about market and office.opening and working.